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Quasar components

All the components starting with Q are wrapped Quasar Vue components that are documented on the Quasar components documentation page. The components are all wrapped (almost) uniformly into Quarasgui Component's.

If a component has a model, then it is usually wrapped into a ComponentWithModel. If a component is a form component (or makes sense for it to have a label), then it is wrapped into a LabeledComponent. LabeledComponent is a ComponentWithModel which is a Component.

classDiagram QButton <|-- LabeledComponent QInput <|-- LabeledComponent QSelect <|-- LabeledComponent LabeledComponent <|-- ComponentWithModel VueTagsInput <|-- ComponentWithModel QTabs <|-- ComponentWithModel QKnob <|-- ComponentWithModel ComponentWithModel <|-- Component Rows <|-- Component Div <|-- Component QLayout <|-- Component class LabeledComponent{ -label } class ComponentWithModel{ +model }
Component inheritance with example components.

Components are configured at initialization and if you want dynamic behavior, initialize them with Model values. Eg.

size = Model('sm')
q_button = QButton(props={'size': size})
A different method is to change q_button.props and then run q_button.update() but this is not the recommended approach.

Reading Quasar's component documentation

When you read any Quasar component documentation, props correspond to props dictionary keys, events to events dictionary keys, class html attributes can be set at classes parameter, style attributes can be set at styles parameter. Any component that has html children in the documentation (also called as default slot), can be set children via children parameter.

Named slots and scoped slots can be passed as a special child among the list of children: a Slot component. If the slot is a scoped-slot, you'll set its children as a function.