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Quasargui ports Quasar to make modern GUI apps in Python.

You may want to use QuasarGUI because

  1. it uses a stable framework, Quasar.
  2. you can enjoy two-way binding,
  3. still, your code stays Python-only.

Hello World example

from quasargui import *

name = Model('')
layout = Rows([
    QInput('Your name:', name),
    QButton('Submit', events={
        'click': lambda: layout.notify(
            message=f'Hello, {name.value}!', position='bottom')
run(layout, title='Hello World program')
If you type "World" and click "Submit", this program outputs

Hello World screenshot

How does this work?
When you change QInput, name's value gets updated automatically. So, when you click on QButton, layout.notify is called with the correct name, 'World'.

Rows, QInput, and QButton are rendered as Vue components and HTML elements. You can communicate with components via Model's. Model's are two-way bound to the window.


Can't wait to get started? Read the quickstart guide. If you come from a Vue background, check out the comparison between Vue and Quasargui.

List of examples

A range of examples can be found in the examples directory on GitHub. These examples we describe in detail.

Hello World with styling

Components can be easily changed by adding a few css classes and styles.

You can see the reference of the classes on, for spacing, positioning, typography, visibility and breakpoints and shadows.

examples/ screenshot

from quasargui import *

name = Model('')
layout = Div(
        'max-width': '30em',
        'margin-left': 'auto',
        'margin-right': 'auto',
    classes='q-mt-xl text-center',
        "What's your name?",
                props={'unelevated': True, 'size': 'lg'},
                    'click': lambda: layout.notify(
                        f'Hello, {name.value}!', position='bottom')


This project requires pywebgui and Python 3.5+.

pip install pywebgui
In turn, pywebgui uses native renderers or Qt whichever it is available. (eg. on Mac the native renderer is cocoa)


pip install quasargui


Contact me on Github.


Quasargui is licensed under MIT license.